Belajar Pengertian Dan Contoh Comparative Dalam Bahasa Inggris - Part 2
1. Penggunaan kata much, a lot, far (=sinonimnya a lot), a bit, a little, slightly (= sinonimnya a little).
Seperti yang sudah kita bahas diatas bahwa kata much dan sebagainya bisa di sematkan sebelum kata comparative. Langsung saja kita lihat contoh-contoh di bawah ini:a. Don't go by plane. It's a lot more expensive. (atau It's a lot cheaper.)
b. This book is slightly heavier than the other one.
c. Let's go by bus. It's much cheaper. (atau It's a lot cheaper.)
d. Could you speak a bit more slowly? ( atau ... speak a little more slowly?)
e. His illness was far more serious than we thought at first. (atau ...much more serious... atau ... a lot more serious ...)
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2. Kita bisa menggunakan any dan no + comparatives (any longer / no bigger dan lain lain).
Mari kita lihat contoh-contoh di bawah ini:a. Yesterday you said you felt ill. Do you feel any better today?
b. They've waited long enough. They are not waiting any longer.
c. This hotel is better than the other oe and it's no more expensive.
d. We expected their house to be very big bit it's no bigger than our ( atau ... it isn't any bigger than ours.)
3. Penggunaan Harder and harder / more and more more and more difficult dan lain-lain.
Kita mengulang comparative sepeti kata-kata diatas ( ... and ...) untuk menyatakan tentang perubahan yang secara berurutan, atau terus menerus.a. It's becoming more and more difficult to find a job.
b. It's becoming harder and harder to find a job.
c. Your English is improving. It's getting better and better.
d. These days more and more people are learning English.
4. Penggunaan The ... the ...
a. What time shall we go? The sooner the better (= as soon as possible).b. What kind of chicken do you like? a big one? Yes, the bigger the better (= as big as possible)
c. When you are travelling, the less luggage you have to carry the better.
Kita bisa juga menggunakan The ... The ... (dengan dua comparative) untuk mengungkapkan bahwa satu hal tergantung dengan hal yang lainnya:
a. The warmer the weather, the better I feel.
b. The less I met him, the more I love him.
c. The higher you climb, the colder it gets.
d. The sooner we go, the better it is.
Nah itu dia 4 jenis kalimat comparative yang sudah kita bahas. Semoga bermanfaat. Silakan share dan komen di bawah ini.