Apa perbedaan would rather dan would prefer?
- Rather : Ketimbang atau lebih suka (ada makna lainnya tergantung konteks)
- I would rather sleep than work. [Saya lebih suka tidur dari pada kerja]
- Makwa would rather eat than cook. [Makwa lebih suka makan dari pada masa]
- Prefer : Ketimbang atau lebih suka. (prefer juga boleh diikuti oleh gerund, lihat contoh kedua)
- I prefer apple to banana. [saya lebih suka apel dari pada pisang]
- Yahwa prefer going by train to flying. [Yahwa lebih suka pergi dengan kereta api ketimbang terbang naik pesawat]
Dari penjelasan diatas kita sudah mendapatkan gambaran perbedaan antara prefer dan rather. Kita menggunakan would prefer / 'd prefer di ikuti oleh to-infinitive, untuk membicarakan kejadian saat ini (present) atau kejadian yang akan datang (future).
Yahwa would rather | work | in the rice field. | |
I would rather | work | in the rice field | than in the office |
They would rather | work | in the rice field | than in the office. |
Yahwa would prefer | to work | in the rice field. | |
I would prefer | the job | in the rice field | to the job in the office |
They would prefer | the job | in the rice field | to the job in the office. |
(1) Would rather atau prefer bisa di singkat seperti ini 'd rather / 'd prefer.
(2) Untuk mudah di ingat:
- would rather, ... than ...
- would prefer ... to ...
Untuk di perhatikan:
(a) Would prefer bisa juga bisa di ikuti oleh gerund. Contoh:
- Yahwa would prefer working in the rice field.
- Makwa would prefer eating banana.
(b) Saat kita membandingkan dengan menggunakan would rather, maka gunakan kata than. Ingat, disini kita membandingkan dua hal. Contoh:
- Yahwa would rather work in the rice field than in the office.a
- Cut Nyak would rather eat apple than pineapple.
- I would rather use a laptop than type with a typewriter machine. (tidak ada to-infinitive setelah than, langsung kata kerja pertama-verb base form).
(c) Saat membandingkan kata benda (nouns) dengan menggunakan would prefer, maka gunakan to diantara kedua kata benda tersebut. Contoh:
- Yahwa would prefer banana to apple
- I would prefer quite cafe to crowded cafe.
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